Wednesday, 14 August 2013

No...I Haven't Gotten Myself Lost...Yet!

It sems like forever since I last posted.  For that, I apologize.  Work and life in general have been pretty hectic, and despite having five posts backed up in the queue to publish, I haven't been able to actually finish them.  Lots to come though, so thank you for your patience.


I wanted to take a minute to be gracious...

To everyone around the world who has either purposely or accidentally viewed my blog, I can't express to you enough gratitude for your interest and engagement.  Seeing the views climb gives this blog purpose and feeds me with the desire to continue writing for you.  I am simply amazed by the way intercontinental communication has connected the world.  To date, I have had reviewers/viewers/readers/subscribers/passers-by from Canada, USA, France, Russia, Germany, Senegal, Taiwan, Singapore, and the Netherlands.  Unreal.

Thank you!
Vielen Dank!
谢谢你 !
Terima kasih!

Please send me your comments and your feedback.  I would love to hear from riders, adventurers, supporters, and dreamers alike.

I also want to show my extreme appreciation for my greatest supporter on this little quest for mental and physical fulfillment - my beautiful wife, Jennifer.  Without her staunch encouragement for me to get up off the couch and chase my dream, this "mid-life solution" would have never taken off.  Thank you for kicking my proverbial butt Honey!


Some of you might know that I am a technical communicator by trade - so writing is quite natural for me.  This type of writing, however, isn't typical of my profession.  I truly hope to further engage your interest and fascination with my little adventure with better quality writing each time out.  To coin an appropriate analogy, writing is like hopping on a two-wheeler for the first time - the more you do it, the quicker you can learn to do it with both hands off the handlebar (or eyes off the keyboard).  I plan to write quite often about a variety of topics - gear, rides, biking philosophies, fitness, and even recipes(!).  I hope you stick around and continue to support me on my quest to ride the Divide.

Now, back to the writing that pays the bills!  We'll talk again very soon.

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